Vasari Digital Color Chart
Overall reference of the colors available for all Vasari series. The digital color chart are not the exact representation of the actual tinted material due to digitalisation, lighting and exposure.
Vasari Stencil Creative Series Brochure
Applied using Vasari Marmorino, Vasari Stencil Creative Series creates 3D textured walls using our in-house Mandala and Tapestry stencils that add an artistic and creative flair to your space.
Vasari Modern Travertine Creative Series Brochure
The collaboration of Vasari x Cebos Color gives way to an exciting modern travertine effect. The lime-based travertine effect is brought to new heights thanks to the combination of modern-day metallic paint by Cebos Color, and the travertine plaster effect with Vasari Marmorino.
Vasari Stone Creative Series Brochure
Inspired by the rawness of rocks and stones, the Vasari Stone Creative Series brings you 3D textured walls that are closest to nature.
Vasari Lustro Creative Series Brochure
The Vasari Lustro series glazes your walls with a layer of precious metallic lustre, which allows your space to sparkle and reflect with an unique, iridescent two-tone finish.
Vasari Limewash Creative Series Brochure
Combining modern day imagination and historic techniques, Vasari Limewash creates masterpieces with an overlapping, rejuvenating effect, which lends depth and liveliness to flat walls.
Deco Cemento (Plaster Flooring) Brochure
Brochure consisting information about Plaster Flooring products i.e. Deco Cemento with digital color chart.
Vasari Lime Paint Brochure
Vasari Lime Paint Brochure consisting information about Lime Paint and digital color chart.
Vasari Venetian Plaster Brochure
Summarized version of Vasari Master Catalogue, consisting quick info for Vasari's Venetian Plaster products including Veneziano, Marmorino, Stucco and Corso.
Vasari Master Catalogue
Vasari Master Catalogue consisting information for all key Vasari products including Veneziano, Marmorino, Stucco, Corso and Lime Paint.

Vasari offering both Venetian Plaster and Lime Paint products to all countries in Asia.

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